Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing in La Palma

What is Gum Therapy? Watch this overview video with Dr. Scarlet Vasa, one of our dentists experienced in providing gum therapy in La Palma, CA.

In this video, Dr, Scarlet Vasa discusses the importance getting of periodontal maintenance.

Discover why gum disease is bad for your overall health by watching this video with Dr. Scarlet Vasa, dentist in La Palma, CA.

In this video, Dr. Ankit Vasa takes the time to discuss laser dentistry and how it is effective in treating gum disease at his dental office in La Palma, CA.

What is a Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

A scaling and root planing is a type of cleaning that is designed to clean out the gingival pockets that have formed as a result of gum disease. Gum disease affects nearly half of all adults, and it’s the number one cause of tooth and bone loss in the jaw area. The disease causes pocketing to develop around each tooth, which only causes further infection because it’s nearly impossible to clean out these pockets on your own. The best way to prevent further progression of the disease is with a scaling and root planing.

Why would a Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing be needed?

The reason you may need a scaling and root planing is because you have gum disease. If you fail to treat gum disease early on, you may experience tooth loss and jawbone loss over time. This can cause the need for extractions, bone grafting and even dentures in order to restore your smile fully. The procedure is done easily in our office by a registered dental hygienist.

Who is a candidate for a Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

In order to determine if you have gum disease, we will examine your mouth and measure the pocketing around each tooth. If the pocketing is deeper than normal, we may recommend that you have a scaling and root planing done. The sooner you have the procedure done, the better off your gums and dental health will be. The procedure is typically done in two consecutive visits.

What happens during a Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

The first step is to numb one whole side of the mouth. Our hygienist then uses special tools to clear out the debris and plaque from the gingival pockets around each tooth. Once these areas are cleaned, the roots are smoothed so that the gums can heal more closely to them. You will then be scheduled to come back into the office for the other side of your mouth to be treated in a similar manner. The procedure can help to treat the disease and prevent it from progressing to the point of losing your teeth.

Contact Pepper Tree Dental

At Pepper Tree Dental in La Palma, CA, our team is committed to providing our patients & their families with exceptional dental care in a comfortable and secure environment.

If you would like to learn more about periodontal scaling and root planing or are looking for additional resources in preventing gum disease, please don’t hesitate to contact us today to speak with one of our trained team members! We look forward to helping you and your family achieve the oral health that you deserve.