Dental Bonding in La Palma

In this video, our La Palma dentist, Dr. Scarlet Vasa, discusses the durability and lifespan of the material used in dental bonding.

Discover the different advantages that exist when comparing dental bonding with dental veneers in this video with Dr. Ankit Vasa.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is designed to improve the appearance of your smile. For minor flaws and imperfections, composite resin can be used to correct these issues so that your smile looks healthy and restored. Most bonding is capable of lasting for 10 or more years, and it can be easily replaced as needed. Bonding is most often needed on front teeth that are chipped or cracked, and it can be helpful when it comes to filling in spaces and gaps.

Why would Dental Bonding be needed?

If your front teeth are less than perfect, this can cause you to feel badly about your appearance. Rather than go for more invasive treatment, bonding is a quick and effective cosmetic option that can restore the front of your smile. Bonding is useful when it comes to covering and building up teeth that have cracked or chipped. It’s especially beneficial for patients who have gaps, spaces and uneven-looking teeth.

Who is a good candidate for Dental Bonding?

To determine if bonding is necessary, we’ll carefully examine your teeth. Your front teeth should be otherwise healthy enough to receive the bonding material. If your front teeth are decayed or require other treatment, it’s important to consider other restorative procedures prior to having bonding work done. If you already have bonding and need to have it replaced, we can easily do this in our office.

What happens during the Dental Bonding procedure?

Bonding often requires little to no anesthetic in order to enhance your smile. We first roughen up the surface of the tooth to improve the way that the composite resin is able to sit. A bonding gel is applied prior to the resin being used. We then carefully match the composite material to your tooth so that it looks natural and realistic. The material is then placed and shaped so that it resembles a natural tooth. The material is cured into place with a special light and you’ll be ready to leave the office with a fresh, beautiful smile.

If you would like to learn more about dental bonding and how it is done, call us today to speak with one of our friendly team members.